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7 Books You Must Read To Prepare Yourself For Relationships

Dating and relationships to a countless number of Nigerians, are at best a complex study of rocket science and at worst a big black hole that would destroy them and invalidate their existence. The inability to exactly predict who a person is, what the person wants and how they behave leaves most people with a type of fear or ego(depending on their personality types) that makes them unable to get along with their partners. Here are 7 books that will help you get a well-rounded view before getting intimate.

  1. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman:

This is the basic requirement for every individual who is or hopes to be in a relationship soon. First published in 1995 by Dr. Gary Chapman, this New York Times Bestseller teaches practical ways to keep your relationship’s engine running even when things get rocky or simply boring. This he argues, can be achieved by simply understanding your partner’s love language(s). With examples and profile assessments, it is sure to keep you in a constant and extensive stream of tests with your partner that would yield amazing results. The new edition has been revised to account for modern circumstances and problems relating to relationships in the 21st century.

2.  Modern Romance By Aziz Ansari with Eric Klinenberg

Dating styles in this modern era have evolved markedly from what they used to be decades ago. With the aid of technology, we are able to communicate, go on dates and end things as fast as we can type. Popular American comedian Aziz Ansari decided to team up with Sociologist Eric Klinenberg in order to study the effects of changes in technology on romance. With interviews conducted in various countries, we get a perfect blend of humor and scientific facts about the search for a soul mate.

3. Too Good To Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether To Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship - Mira Kirshenbaum

In this book, popular psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum (who also authored ‘I Love You, But I Don’t Trust You) gives a holistic explanation for situations that go on in rocky relationships and the remedies. She makes it a point to raise some questions that you should ask yourself in a bid to understand yourself better. She argues that with the 36 questions, you can learn so much about your relationship by learning largely about yourself. It is an amazing read that would help you challenge the status quo in your relationship.

4. I Love You But I Don’t Trust You - Mira Kirshenbaum

Do you have trust issues? Has someone broken your trust and you felt that it was impossible to recover? This book is another masterpiece that helps you begin to rebuild the trust in your relationship especially in the face of heartbreak. Mira takes you on a journey to explore the causes of these trust issues whether it is due to cheating, dishonesty or even a recurring issue from the past. She teaches you practical steps on how to restore the bond of trust between you and your partner regardless of how bad the relationship seems to be hit. Her experience as a couples therapist makes her an authority in this field and makes the book all the more useful in solving relationship problems relating to Trust.

5. He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys - Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

Dating men is not that complicated because men are simple beings. There are a lot of women who feel like guys are puzzling and their actions send mixed signals. New York Times best-selling author Greg Behrendt alongside Liz Tuccillo explain to us that guys are very easy to read. It is very easy to tell whether he is into you or not. The book which was based on an episode of ‘Sex and the City’ enlightens savvy women on this elusive topic, ‘How to tell if a guy is interested in dating you or not.’ It breaks the barrier of understanding and helps women to make wiser choices with their time and their emotions during and after dating.

6. Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work - Patrick Fanning and Matthew Mckay

Dating is easy. Building a relationship, on the other hand, is hard work. This book teaches you how to work smart instead of working hard. With timeless principles on how to improve communication with your partner, resolving disputes in innovative ways and building a strong and resilient coping mechanism. The updated version of the book has an additional chapter that teaches you to accept your partner’s feelings without criticism. It is sure to help you have a rounded view of your relationship.

7. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown

We are all vulnerable to something in our lives. The myth that people create that says that there is a need to push your insecurities aside when in a relationship (especially if you’re a guy) is very misleading. Dr. Brene Brown talks about the need to live a life of honesty in our relationships. It’s okay to shown vulnerability from time to time and it is vitally important to a relationship. The truth about weakness is pointed out skillfully by the writer and is pointed out as a strength. This book encourages openness and is a must-read for people who have either an inferiority or superiority complex going into a relationship.

There you have it. This is by not a full list of all the books you can read but this is a very good start to build a long lasting relationship.

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